Preparing To Hold A Yard Sale

If you are going to have a yard sale, you will need to make some advance preparation in order for it to be a success. There are several things that you can do to boost along the chances of making money at your sale. Here are some tips that you can use to have the most profitable sale as possible. Advertising The biggest factor in how many people you will get to come to your sale, depends on the amount of work you do to advertise. Read More 

Children At Your Wedding Reception? Plan Ahead

If you come from a large family and many of your siblings already have children, you have a big decision to make concerning your wedding reception. Do you or do you not invite the children to the party? If you do, here are a few pointers for planning and getting ahead of any potential child-related disasters. Messy Fingers and Faces Despite any table manners your nieces and nephews may have, they are still kids. Read More 

Using Self-Storage To Help You Cope With Loss

When you lose a loved one, life can take a devastating turn. This big change can cause many other changes in your life and have you reeling. That's why the last thing you should have to deal with after the death of someone special is figuring out what to do with their things. A self-storage unit can help your family cope with the loss without having to get rid of all of their possessions. Read More